• October 22, 2024

Drainage System in Mukuru


A good drainage system is essential, especially in urban centres that houses a large multitude
of people. A poor drainage system in an area is exacerbated by long rains, which makes water
to clog in the Water ditches for a long time.
Mukuru, is one of the informal settlements in Nairobi, where the water drainage system is
deeply wanting. This has got the potential of sparking an outrage of diseases. A good
drainage system attracts sanity in an area, which to the chagrin of many, the area is littered
almost everywhere, compounded by the problem of a poor drainage system in Mukuru.
A quick glance at the budget of 2023-2024 in Nairobi County that was allocated towards
solving the menace, a staggering 32 million shillings were allocated towards drainage system
in a bid to put up measures to mitigate the effects of heavy rains and construct major outfalls
and rehabilitate systems across the city. But despite the commitment manifested by the
leadership of Nairobi County, via Governor Johnson Sakaja, water drainage system in
Mukuru is still problematic.

The residents in this area are uncomfortable with this situation, and majority of them are
calling on the government, to step up their efforts and help sort out the issue. Most of the
informal settlements in this area have got a poor drainage system. The businesses established
in this area, majority of them hotels are also not an exception to this, many of them are near
to water clogging areas.

I spoke to one of them but due to his personal fears, he requested anonymity, so I
anonymized him x, he says “This poor water drainage system is a headache to us. In the
young days of governor Sakaja’s administration, we saw some young people employed by the
county, trying to clear the drainage system, but since then, we have not seen them for a long
time.” He says he remains optimistic that one day a long-lasting solution will be found
towards solving the problem of water drainage system.
Michael Ngige, is a boda boda rider in Mukuru, also raises his voice on the issue. He is
disgusted by the pathetic drainage system in the area. I quote “This problem is very
consequential to our health. When there is water clogged and has overstayed, it starts giving
out a strange smell which is very uncomfortable. This perennial issue needs a radical solution
to it. Those in authority needs to pull up their socks and bring this problem to a conclusion.”
Landlords are also advised before setting up their rental houses, one of the appropriate things
they should consider, is constructing a good water drainage system. Every gubernatorial
candidate In Nairobi county in every election circle, always lists A proper working water
drainage system as one of the top agenda in their manifestos.
With a Poor water drainage system in Mukuru, the residents are anticipating for a concrete
solution to the menace.
Reported by Bob Kau.

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